They’ve finally hit that stage when reading books is more interesting than eating books.

Sights like this (snapped quick! before anyone moves!) make my heart go pitter patter. They ask for books (E yells, “Booka-booka-booka!” while T and C timidly say “boo” minus the k. Well, not “boo,” but more like “buh.” But not. TODDLER PHONETICS ARE CONFUSING.), and they scramble to be in the laps of any book reader.

They’ve even conned non-readers like their daddy and even my dad into reading for them. Yeah, those sights also make my heart go pitter patter.

Their favorites now are touch-and-feel books and books that go well with pointing to things. Nothing too long, but nothing too short.

They’re already picky readers like their mama. I’m so in love.

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12 Responses to Be still, my nerdy heart

  1. Suzanne says:

    Adorable! May I suggest the “That’s not my…” books? We have a dozen or so (reindeer, pirate, dragon, dinosaur…) and both kids LOVE them.

  2. Becca says:

    Nerdy babies are win :)

  3. Before board books were, like, SO two months ago for my 2yo, she was really into the Usborne “That’s Not My___” books. Sh’s still really into anything Sandra Boynton, but she really, really wants big “gull” books with paper pages. I LOVE IT!

  4. Erin says:

    YAY!! My Wesley loves books, too. Right now his favorite is “Me Hungry” by Jeremy Tankard. Like two words or so per page, and easy to understand. So so glad E, T, and C are learning to appreciate reading!

  5. Joanna says:


    I’m a HUGE fan of Sandra Boynton. Madison actually still loves them. When she was your kids’ age her favorite was Blue Hat, Green Hat. Every time I yelled “oops” she’d break down into hysterics.

    Anyway, they’re just the perfect length, timing & visuals for short attention spans!

  6. Lauren says:

    We love lift-the-flap books (not tiny flaps but like whole-page sized flaps), the “That’s not my” books (only have one but it’s fun), and any board books that aren’t too long :)

  7. Melora Driver says:

    I agree with pp about That’s not my_____ & Sandra Boynton. At that age Zoe also liked 10 little ladybugs & similar books with plastic ladybugs she could touch. Yay for readers!

  8. Vicki says:

    Such a great picture. LOVE IT!

    I have nominated you for an award! You can find the details on my page. Congrats!

  9. aww!!! do you guys have yummy yucky? loove it!

  10. MomEinstein says:

    So adorable! I love when Vicki grabs a book off the bookshelf and carries it over to me to read. I agree with all the pp suggestions, and also Target usually has some really cute, rhyming counting and color books in the dollar spot. That way I don’t get too upset if she chews on them a little. :-)

  11. Suz says:

    Yay! Book nerds unite!

  12. Jenny says:

    I’m on the hunt for good deals on all the suggestions! Thanks, everyone!!!

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