The end of RSV season is coming up, meaning I’ll be more comfortable with venturing out into the big, wide world of germs.

(Yes, germs are necessary evils, but they’re a different sort of evil for preemies. We did a second season of isolation to help avoid hospitalization, which we have!)

With the kiddos growing into more independent, curious, new-experience-hungry people, it’s time to break free from our same-shit-different-day routine and venture out into the world.

I’m scared.

I want to join the Mothers of Multiples group here in Charlotte, but what if ________? Fill in the blank with any sort of social fear, ranging from facing the judgment of other moms (am I doing this all wrong?) to being my awkward-turtle self and not fitting in (leftover middle school angst for the win).

I want to start taking the kiddos to story hour at a local library, but what if _______?  They might eat books, throw triplety tantrums, wander away and get lost, blah blah blah.

Underneath the social fears lies the fear of getting off our schedule. I have three fairly decent nappers right now. Together. At the same time. Twice a day. They sometimes only need once a day, so that would free up time for an outing, but there are days when skipping a nap and only doing one leads into a several-day streak of sleep-related frustration. Part of me wonders if they’re ready for a break from the routine for that reason alone.

I’m obviously overthinking things, but I’m a planner (what? when did that happen?), AND I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS.

Also intimidating me right now: I received a sample of cloth wipe solution with my Northern Essence order. That’s right – we’ve used cloth diapers for more than a year now, but I’ve been too chicken to stray from the familiar disposable wipes. The solution smells great (it reminds me of an Aveda scent), and it gets rave reviews – as do cloth wipes – so, I have no clue why I’m being a big chicken.

Ugh, the unknown. It makes me feel all itchy and sweaty.

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12 Responses to Intimidated by to dos

  1. monica says:

    for your first outings, i suggest a helper. as far as cloth wipes, we still use disposable ones too. but i would say fleece or bamboo is the softest material and you can buy it by the yard and cut your own to save some money :)good luck!

    • Jenny says:

      We’ve been out and about ton (and I always have someone with me), but they’re always contained in some fashion. Letting them loose in the library sounds SCARY! Hehe!

  2. Lauren says:

    Can I just say I had the same fears for my ONE child (who is now 17 months). Our library has a separate ROOM with a DOOR for storytime. We sit with our kids and the lady leads us in songs or reads a book. The kids alternate between sitting on their caregiver’s laps or running up to the storytime lady or playing with a big stuffed frog that is always there. Sometimes she hands out shaker-eggs or bells and the kids get to make noise. It’s totally low key, the kids are contained, and they all make noise and run around and act like, well… kids! Maybe take a helper the first time you go, but I am guessing you might find a similar environment. Or just call the library and ask what the storytime area looks like! YOU CAN DO IT. I was sad I hadn’t taken my daughter to storytime earlier!

    • Jenny says:

      My hometown library had storytime right out in the children’s section – nothing closed off. I don’t know why I assumed all libraries would be like this. D’oh! I’m going to scope out the local libraries and make sure I choose one with an enclosed story time. That doesn’t sound scary at all!

      • Jamie Smith says:

        the one in Southpark is held in a closed off room and the kids are free to explore. the lady that runs it (its been awhile, cant remember her name) is awesome. i really enjoyed taking Austen because it didnt feel clique-y to me and if i just wanted hang out with her and wasnt up for talking to other moms, i didnt feel like a jerk or awkward turtle. :) yet, when i did–everyone was super nice!

  3. MKP says:

    Don’t forget that whatever toddler-friendly activity outing you take them on does not require them to be anything more than toddlers! Noisy stampy run-aroundy toddlers are par for the children’s entertainer/book reader/puppet storyteller course.

  4. Sarah-Anne says:

    You will be amazing in my book if you go anywhere with them uncontained. But a nice, quiet outing sounds like the best first date, so to speak.

  5. Allison Jaquier says:

    Hey! I have twins and I live in Charlotte!!! CMOMs is wonderful! You need to join and come to some events – I haven’t met a single judgey person yet. Start by going to one of your district meetings. You’ll love the camaraderie and all the twin/triplet tales. If you want to meet up somewhere just let me know. My girls are eleven months and I have a four year old too.

  6. Nana says:

    Three times the fun! they will stick close by you but will love the exploration in a contained safe environment, small steps….one foot in front of the other.

  7. I still worry about the unknowns and my kid is 2. These are all normal feelings. But you’re a rock star momma! You got this. Start slow. Find a story time for their age. I took Abby to a 12-24m story time. All the kid where all over the place. Other moms get it.

  8. Rachel says:

    We are meeting up in a couple weeks for a picnic with our local “parents of multiples” group. I’m nervous – we just moved and need to meet people. But overwhelmingly it seems us multiples parents have a special understanding and camaraderie. I’m sure you’ll be taken right in. Also, we are constantly battling the “adventure vs. schedule” issue. naps are rather erratic these days (the boys are 15 months) – sometimes 2 sometimes 1. but they so seem to enjoy when we take interesting local trips, so we do it… no matter the exhausting and upheaval. i just keep telling myself we can’t be bound so much by the routine.

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