I’ve said it before, readers. I have amazing friends. They’re wonderful people – kind, generous, funny, thoughtful – and they carry with them some mind-blowing talents. They could take over the world.

It was one of these friends who came to visit at the end of March and brought along with her a myriad of Stuff to turn my kitchen into a traveling photo studio. Emilee was beyond patient that day, shooting my transition babies who were too alert for normal newborn status yet not developed enough for 3-month status. Her patience knows no bounds, nor does her talent. Emilee was able to capture a bunch of stunning images that day that made me cry like a newborn.

If you’re looking for a photographer in/around Raleigh, NC, consider this a poke in the butt to consider Emilee Beth Photography.

I’ll let her work speak for itself.

Those little heart stickies with wires? Those are the monitor leads the babies had on at the end of their NICU stay. We dressed them in their outfits to come home before they could be unplugged, so when it came time to unplug and leave, rather than undressing the babies, we unplugged, tied the wires and tucked them inside their outfits. When Rob changed their diapers at home, he unstuck the leads from their chests and stuck them to the wall above the changing table. They are still there today, serving as a constant, sweet reminder of the early days.

I’ve been itching to share these adorable onesies the babies received from Amber, who owns a local boutique. Ridiculously cute, right? The letters are fabric appliques, and the prints are just perfect for the trio. Sadly, they’ve just about grown out of them. (I tried and tried to get a pic of all three wearing these multiple times, but someone always had no patience for a group photo or spit up all over herself before I could get anything decent. Bah!) Luckily, the girls still have cute headbands from Amber they have yet to grow out of.

Thank you, Emilee and Amber!

Emilee Beth Photography retains copyright on all images. She also shared a couple different images on her blog.

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13 Responses to ETC by EBP

  1. Erin says:

    OMG….the cuteness…I can’t believe how much they’ve GROWN!! Loving this!

  2. Jessi Cline says:

    These are so incredibly precious pictures. You make beautiful kiddos.

  3. Your trio is so adorable. They are really starting to look so grown up!

  4. Suz B says:

    Love these photos! The camera pics I took of them Sunday will be posted on my blog tonight. :) Oh & make sure I didn’t get the girls mixed up in my March for Babies post, Eleanor had on the red hat right?!

  5. Sarah-Anne says:

    ::head explodes from the awesomeness that is emilee beth photography::

  6. JM says:

    What an awesome photo shoot! I totally <3 that Rob put up the monitors- they are beautiful decorations, and reminders of how amazing your little ones have fought to be where they are- at home and in your arms!

  7. Hayley B says:

    What adorable photos! Oh, such sweetness! I can’t believe how big they’re getting, feels like such a short time ago that they were born!
    (long time reader of your blog but haven’t commented before – never feel like I have anything worthwile to say, but really wanted to comment on the cuteness this time!!!)

  8. Totally adorable. I love what you did with their wires … what a great testament to how far they’ve come! Beautiful photography. :)

  9. TwicetheSparkle says:

    GORGEOUS! The babies and the photos! <3

  10. Julie says:

    They are SO adorable! And I love that you kept the monitor stickies- what a wonderful reminder!

  11. Cassie says:

    Wow, those pics are just gorgeous! She did an amazing job with your cute babes!

  12. Tameka says:

    Love these pics so much!

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