Life, as you can imagine, has been turned upside down and around and inside out over the last week. The most important note on the week, however, is that Toby, Eleanor and Callista are ONE WEEK OLD today!

The week has been filled with tests, statistics, milestones, prayers, hope and fear, but it has also been filled to the brim with love. Something tells me this is the new normal for the rest of our lives.

We’ve had our ups and downs this week, but I’m happy to say that our babies’ first week of life had far more ups than downs – just as a baby’s first week of life should play out.

All three are healthy and are doing superb. Callista is the first to bypass her birth weight (as of last night), but her big brother and sister aren’t far behind. We’re hoping the standby status on their breastmilk feedings will be removed soon, giving them the best food for their tummies – homemade by Mommy!

My buddy Mae pointed out last week that I hadn’t given looks-like details on the babies, and for that I apologize. I swear I wasn’t trying to bogart that information!

Mr. Tobias looks just like his daddy – from his dark hair, to the way he furrows his brow when he isn’t quite sure of what’s being done to him, to his cute button nose and all the way down to his toes. Yes, he has his daddy’s toes and feet. As for personality, Toby is the most alert and inquisitive. He won’t close his eyes to rest if he wakes and sees that his isolette cover is pulled back.

Miss Eleanor, as far as we can tell from not being able to compare them all side-by-side, has the lightest hair of all three. She has my ears and feet to match her daddy and brother. She is mostly mellow, but she will let you know when she doesn’t like what you’re doing. She loves to hold hands – really, she loves to get a grip on whatever she can. She’s very tactile and finds comfort in having her hands on something.

Miss Callista is the youngest but biggest of the bunch. She looks a lot like me, with my ears, nose and feet. She is a firecracker and has earned her reputation as miss priss. We still need to have a talk about that ninja baby business, but so far, she’s behaving herself. For all her fussing, Callista sure does love being held. She has yet to fuss a bit while in the arms of her mommy or daddy.

That’s right – we’ve been able to hold all three babies. We haven’t held them all at once yet, but it’ll happen eventually. Their fourth day (this past Friday – Nov. 26) was the first day Rob and I held the babies. Toby and Eleanor are neighbors in the NICU, so Rob held Eleanor while I held Toby, and we sat side by side as four-fifths of our family. After we put our happy, peaceful babies back to bed, we held over to Callista’s area (she isn’t far at all from her brother and sister – don’t worry), where I held her.

Yesterday, we walked in to a surprise. The nurses decided it was time to let me hold Toby and Eleanor at the same time.

I cried happy, amazing tears the first time I held each baby on his or her own, but seeing two of the three together, face-to-face for the first time. Wow. There are no words to describe how simply beautiful that vision was. They reached out for each other and grabbed on – they first held hands, then Eleanor found Toby’s hand was a good pacifier, and Toby later found that Eleanor’s arm was comfy to hold onto. They stared at each other and turned my heart into goo.

Other notes of interest: Breastfeeding (breastpumping?) has been going super for us. The babies’ feedings have been suspended, but I’m working at building them a huge stash in the NICU freezer. I’ve had a few pumping sessions that have produced enough milk for three full-term newborns. I always said I hoped to breastfeed, expecting a rough go at it. So far, I’ve more than met my goals and expectations.

I couldn’t be more proud of my own body. It’s about damn time I get to say that.

Continued well wishes, thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated. We’ve climbed over quite a few hurdles, but countless ones lie in our future. Premature babies face so many potential complications and health problems, but we’re doing our best to focus on the positive and the joyous fact that all three are alive, healthy and thriving.

And now, while I’m off to pump, shower, eat and visit with our amazing trio, here are a few overdue photos from the last few days:

Callista and Mommy nap together

Toby (left) and Eleanor meet face-to-face and get some quality skin-to-skin time with Mommy

My view (Eleanor on left, Toby on right)

Toby, 6 days old, fresh from a bath

A freshly bathed, 6-day-old Eleanor

Callista, 6 days old, clean and ready to relax after screaming through a bath


I’m going to be a bit slow to update on the blog while Rob and I figure out a routine and settle into our new life in two homes – our normal one and our NICU home. I’m much better about updating my Twitter feed, though even that has suffered in favor of three beautiful faces. You don’t need a Twitter account to view my feed, just click on my username, Jennandtonica, at the top of my Twitter widget over to the right there in the sidebar.

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50 Responses to One week!

  1. Beth Anne says:


  2. so gorgeous! these photos melt my heart!! Continued good thoughts being sent to you and your beautiful babes!

  3. Kara Fitzjarrald says:

    So Sweet. So happy you are able to breastfeed.

  4. Becca says:

    I’m so so thankful you have gotten to hold them! & together! That must be just amazing!

  5. LCW says:

    Tears of joy for you and Rob. They are beautiful and you are an amazing mom. I’m so proud of you for breastpumping and doing everything you can for them. Much love my friend.

  6. from this point on, I am just going to assume that there will be tears every time i come to your blog. Here’s hoping and praying that they continue to be happy tears!

  7. Beth says:

    I really wasn’t expecting to cry so many tears when I started reading this entry but I did. I am so overwhelmed with happiness every time I see a good update from you.

    I love your big family of 5 so much.

  8. Alena says:

    Swoon!!! Oh my heart just exploded. Those beautiful babies!! Oh Jenny!! They are doing so well!! I am so happy for you!

  9. Alex says:

    They are beautiful. And tiny. And perfect. I’m so glad they are doing well!!!!

    Happy one week!!!

  10. Liz says:

    I love these photos and the update! Thank you and Congratulations!

  11. Jen says:

    OMG my heart parts exploded.

    And my ute aches.


  12. Jocelyn says:

    So beautiful!

  13. Becca says:

    SO GORGEOUS! Love all the pictures! Please take more!!!
    Happy week to you all :)

  14. Lisa says:

    Three absolutely gorgeous babies. I’m so happy for you guys. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

  15. Krista says:

    So happy for you and your gorgeous family. You are all quite an inspiration, my dear.

  16. They are beautiful, I am so happy for you all, thanks for the update!

  17. jen says:

    so beautiful! you’re all five in my thoughts.

  18. pam says:

    love! they’re beautiful. hope they continue to fly through their NICU stay.

  19. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by A, Jenny. Jenny said: Two blog updates! 1st, I'm on BlogHer:; 2nd, ONE WEEK! #triplets #infertility #NICU […]

  20. Therese says:

    Your updates make me SOOOOOO happy! Seriously, I can’t send enough happy thoughts your way! Don’t worry about the slow updates… believe me, I know how difficult one baby was – I can’t even imagine 3 in the NICU!

    Also, I am SOOOOOOO glad pumping is going so well! You are one awesome Momma!!!

  21. Laura says:

    Gorgeous babies!
    I’m so happy everything is going so well for you all!

  22. karmen says:

    oh MAMA!
    those babies are looking GOOD!
    how exciting!
    so happy for you guys to have such adorable little blessings!

  23. beth says:

    so happy to hear from/about your family! LOVE the part about T&E snuggling with each other and their mommy. Must have been one of the most amazing moments for you :) continued thoughts and prayers.

  24. Krista says:

    This post makes me extremely happy!

  25. Tameka says:

    Babies! They are beautiful! As always, I’m thinking and praying for my favorite party of 5! <3

  26. Laura says:

    OMG. The two of them together—MELT. I think that is amazing that they reached for each other. Back together at last :)

  27. D says:

    So happy for such a wonderful first week!!! Prayers for many many more :) Beautiful – them, you, this post, everything!

  28. They are just beautiful. I’m so glad things are going so well. Y’all will stay in my prayers. :) Love to all 5 of you!

  29. sarah says:

    OMG!!! You look amazing holding your babies!!! And how cute!!!!

  30. you and your babies are gorgeous!

  31. Marcy says:

    Squeee!! Babies! <3
    Love the updates, thank you for continuing to do this while caring for your precious trio.

  32. Jennifer S. says:

    reading your posts/updates are wonderful. I thank you very much for doing this and letting all of us into your world.

    those babies are just adorable!

    thank you!

  33. Heather says:

    I just melted a little. :-)

  34. Diana says:

    So I bawled all the way through this, but especially at the pictures. You look SO HAPPY, and I can’t tell you how happy I am for you.

  35. thenextmartha says:

    You may have been glowing during pregnancy but now? You are exploding with light. So happy for you and your family. <3

  36. Jenn says:

    I teared up when I read the part about you holding the two together. The pictures are precious! Congrats!

  37. Suz B says:

    Oh Jenny! I waited til I got home from work to read so I could see the photos (damn work blocks them, grr!). They were DEFINITELY worth the wait!! The one of you with the two together is just fabulous! & to hear that they held each other ~ ahhh so awesome! Prayers being said for yall!

  38. I’m not gonna lie, you look amazing. And your tiny triplets? Adorable. So glad you all are doing well. I will continue to be praying for health and sanity for you all :)

  39. Mariluh says:

    I am SO happy for you. Your babies are gorgeous and I’m so glad to know they’re thriving.

    Thank you SO much for taking the time to update us. I’m sure that your days are filled with your babies and family, as it SHOULD be!!!

    Lots of love being sent your way. I think of you and your babies many times throughout the day and send good thoughts and little prayers your way as much as I can.

    Thanks again, LOVE the pics and (((HUGS)))!!!!

  40. Molly says:

    Okay, I’ve got to tell you that I keep getting a huge lump in my throat every time I read about your sweet babies. They are everything that’s good and true and real in this world. Thanks for the reminder.

  41. Angel says:

    I absolutely love the updates and I’m so thrilled that everyone is progressing so well. The picture of you holding the babies is gorgeous. Keep up the good work!

  42. LIZ says:

    You are all beautiful.

    We are thinking and praying for you – strength, and health…

  43. Donell says:

    Thanks for the update!! :)
    They are beautiful we cant wait to meet them! :)

    Lots of love and prayers from all of us
    Pete, Donell and Bella

  44. Heather (H&W) says:

    LOVE the pictures. They are so precious. I love that they held hands.

  45. mommyJ says:

    Jen these are YOUR babies
    This is YOUR family
    It is all just too cute too precious for words!

  46. Alicia says:

    Congrats! You look so beautiful and happy, and like my friend who just had twins, strangely calm and collected! Congratulations again.

  47. Jamee says:

    I cried big happy tears reading this! I am so happy for you and Rob! The babies are GORGEOUS!!!!

  48. Erin says:

    I love the babies! they are just perfect! i was a preemie – 1lb 11ozs and turned out a-okay, and am pregnant w/ our first baby now in fact. Your babies will turn out amazing, I just know it :) They are already rockstars! probably the talk of the NICU w/ their cuteness and lovableness :) Congrats to you and your new family! your pics made me tear up! wee little bodies with the biggest hearts ever overflowing with love :)

  49. Jenny S says:

    Your babies are SO beautiful Jen!! Congratulations to you & Rob :)

    Continuing to pray as they grow stronger <3

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