Milestones. I haz dem.

Getting that positive pregnancy test was a giant milestone. A big number for my first beta was another huge milestone – then the second, third and so on. I was terrified of our first ultrasound, but seeing the first little baby with its flickering heart was like someone had lifted the world off my shoulders. I felt lighter than air when we saw the second baby and heartbeat. Then I think the world got dropped onto my head when the third baby’s blob and heart popped into view.

Reality set in, and I started to get excited about triplets. Triplets! I’ve never even met or laid eyes on a set of triplets in person. And now Rob and I are going to have our very own! Triplets! THREE BABIES!

Bleeding and an unknown Something took the wind from my sails the day we were told we had lost Baby C. The day was a milestone for TWO babies, but it was devastating at the same time. I tried my hardest to focus on the fact that we had TWO babies who were growing and thriving. Another milestone!

More bleeding sent us in for the ultrasound that revealed a strong, healthy, thriving Ninja Baby – the day we found Baby C made a miraculous comeback. Three ultrasounds in, and we still had growing babies with heartbeats. Amazing!

At that point, we went into each ultrasound (some scheduled and some unexpected because of MORE bleeding) with baited breath until we were able to do a headcount. Three? All healthy? OK! Excellent!

It was only at my last ultrasound – 13 weeks, 1 day – that I expected to see three healthy babies. I didn’t hold my breath and search the screen for movement. I didn’t bite my lip while I resisted grabbing the technician’s hand to just hurry up and show all three already.

Instead, I just watched the screen and smiled – even when Baby A was lazing about in its normal hammock position and didn’t move at first. That’s just what Baby A does – the chill baby of the bunch. I smiled when Baby B’s little hand or foot came into view because throwing punches or kicks is what B & C do best (B can usually be seen in some fashion when the tech is looking at A, but I think C is too “far” away to see when A is up close).

I wasn’t anxious or nervous about the tech finding something wrong. I was just happy to once again see my three little babies.

Happy. That’s the exact emotion I expected to take over during second trimester – in my pre-triplet days.

After learning I was carrying three babies, I expected the first-trimester anxiety to follow me through the entire high-risk pregnancy. Of course, the worst can happen at any point in any pregnancy, though the risk of that drops greatly after the first trimester. I’m not sure what sort of numbers-risk I’m facing right now – AND I DON’T WANT TO KNOW – but I do know the risk of preterm labor will be setting in soon enough. Before then, any sort of markers – from high blood pressure to a shortening cervix to who knows what – could alert my doctors that it’s time for bedrest.

In short, I expected to spend this entire pregnancy scared out of my mind. Those of you with kids will say this emotion will stay with me till the day I die, but, morbidly, I was too afraid of the pregnancy to even consider what life as a mom to outside babies would be like. I have so many hurdles to (carefully) jump before I get there.

But on Monday, I was happy to see exactly what I expected: three healthy little babies.

Today, I am excited. I’ve successfully carried three babies through a third of a normal-length pregnancy. My body, which has so often seemed against me in the past, is acting like a rockstar. I barely had morning sickness. I’ve had my fair share of scary scares, but they’ve been nothing more than scares. I’ve had some backaches and headaches and some days when I felt blinking was too difficult a task, but all in all, my body is acting like this is exactly what it was made for. And, while the unknown is beyond terrifying, there is something in the back of my head that is screaming, “I CAN DO THIS!”

I thought at one point I’d never experience a pregnancy that lasted longer than a few short days, that my body was just incapable of holding onto something so sweet.

Thirteen weeks and three days have passed with three inside babies. It isn’t close to long enough, but it’s a milestone I never once imagined I’d ever reach. It’s time to take my own advice, relax, and enjoy life – with three babies. HELLO, SECOND TRIMESTER!

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32 Responses to I need a bullhorn

  1. Gina says:

    Congrats!!! I felt like the 1st tri lasted forever – but the 2nd and 3rd flew by!!

  2. Mrs. Jenna says:

    I know I’ve said it before, but I can’t help but say it again. I’m SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Seriously. :)

  3. I am so incredibly happy for you.

  4. twicethesparkle says:

    YAY! I’m so glad to be along for the journey!

  5. Alena says:

    BABIES! Triplets!! Yay!!!

    I am so excited! It’s going to be so awesome and wonderful and great and exciting! And I can’t wait for you to become a triplet mom natural!

  6. AshleyT says:

    You almost had me in a big pile of blubbering sobs.

    Congrats on this big milestone.

  7. Melissa says:

    Hooray for 2nd tri! I’m so glad the pregnancy is going well. Totally rooting for you!!!!

  8. Jamie says:

    This entry made me tear up, Jenny. I’m so, so happy for you that you’ve found peace & relaxation from all of the up & downs you’ve already weathered. Hopefully you also find some energy in that 2nd Trimeseter!!! 😉

  9. Three babies! Wow! These are very exciting times for you. Pregnancy – even for just one, not-high-risk baby – is scary. So just remember to savor the excitement and happiness! Three precious little babies!

  10. Joanna says:

    so so so happy for you! yay for 2nd trimester. It is the best for sure!

  11. So. Freaking. Happy for you. This post made me grin like an idiot. Go body go!!!

  12. Rachel says:

    Yay for 2nd tri!!

  13. Busted Kate says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. Love your writing, love your story, love your little triplets!!! Congrats on hitting the 2nd trimester!

  14. Congratulations on the second trimester! You have an amazing outlook on this pregnancy, and I think it’s fabulous that you are focusing on the many positives and excitements instead of dwelling on the stressful “what ifs.” You rock, and I am so excited for you and your three little babies!

  15. Krista C says:

    You’re Awesome and so are those 3 little babies!! Congrats on hitting the 2nd trimester!!!

  16. harmskills says:

    I thought at one point I’d never experience a pregnancy that lasted longer than a few short days, that my body was just incapable of holding onto something so sweet.

    wow this gave me chills. congrats on making it to tri 2! feel good and take care.

  17. sarah says:

    I am just so happy for you and your enjoyment of the three wee ones!! They are adorable and so are you! Pregnant Mommy of three!!

  18. Meredith says:

    Congrats Jenny!!! Praying for you and those 3 wee ones!

  19. Tabitha Clark says:

    Congrats Jen! I’ve been thinking about you and hoping that everything is going great! Try and just enjoy this time :) In 6 months you’ll be a very very busy mommy!

  20. Speed says:

    Three is still the magic number!

  21. pam says:

    Congrats! The first trimester crawwwwwled for me, I was so worried all the time. But I swear, before I knew it, the boys were born and I could hardly believe I wasn’t pregnant anymore. So expect the next twenty or so weeks to fly by!

  22. Laura says:

    So exciting!!!! Grow babies grow!

  23. Sara says:

    This post made me cry, because I’m so happy for you!

  24. amber says:

    This post gave me chills. Much love to you and PB&J!

  25. Vivian says:

    Just plain amazing!!

  26. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jenny, Jenny. Jenny said: I need a bullhorn: #pregnant #triplets […]

  27. Suz B says:

    Woohoo! Yay for the 2nd Tri! Such a great post!

  28. Tameka says:

    I am so happy I was able to tear up in the privacy of my own home!

    The 2nd trimester is awesome…if pregnancy were only about the 2nd trimester I would recommend it to everyone. People squee over your belly, you’re not constantly sick, and it comes with healthy dose of jump on your husband hormones that if memory serves I enjoyed immensely!

    Those triplets are the luckiest triplets in all of tripletness! Not only because they have you and Rob as parents, but because they have me all the way across the country sending them every bit of love and happy that my overly sappy heart can rustle up. xo PB&J!

    Should I have said muster instead of rustle up? That’s going to bug me all night.

  29. Erin says:

    Woot!! Go babies, go! Congrats on the latest milestone :)

  30. Congrats on the Second Trimester!! You’re rockin’ this pregnancy! PB&J!!!!

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