Holy crap.

I prayed my babies to sleep. That and some silent woo-sa-ing are the only things that kept me from running out of my house, yelling like a crazy person.

We had an interesting weekend. Nap strikes were plentiful. We’ve been going strong with fairly easy naps for a while now, a sweet relief from earlier. I hoped this weekend was a fluke. Then today’s first nap hit, and Toby was up about 90 minutes before he usually wakes. Then the second nap hit – this current one I’m holding my breath through.

I just ran/tiptoed out of the babies’ room, hoping the floor wouldn’t creak, I wouldn’t accidentally close the door with a sound, the dog wouldn’t click-click-click with her nails as I exited, the cat wouldn’t meow, a pin wouldn’t drop.

My mom was here to help feed the babies. When they showed signs of sleepiness, we started putting them down. Eleanor went first, and she seemed to be peaceful. Toby was next, and he seemed fine as well. Then the telltale sounds rang out over the monitor – loud and quite obviously coming from babies who are on their backs (they sleep on their bellies).

Eleanor and Toby have been flipping themselves over then getting mad or excited that they aren’t on their bellies anymore. Neither emotion is conducive to sleeping. Knowing getting the babies to sleep would be a complicated ballet, I told my mom she was free to go if she wanted. I wouldn’t be able to give suggestions or instructions while trying to figure out what I was trying to do.

Alone with them in their room, I set forth on my quest. Flip Toby and Eleanor back over. Pat butts. Soothe fussing. (They flip back.) Flip one back and pick up one. Bounce holding one while patting the other’s butt and watching Callista, propped up on her elbows and watching/listening to the chaos while blowing raspberries (the no-tongue kind, just with her lips) and saying, “OOOOOOOh.”

She’ll fall asleep once the other two cease with their shenanigans.

Bounce. Pat. Flip. Pat. Bounce. “PFFFFFFFFFTTTTT. OOOOOOOOOh!”

Finally, Toby quit fussing in my arms and was quiet. I laid him down and gently patted while he wiggled his arms and head into position.

One down, two to go.

Pick up Eleanor. Bounce. Find a position that doesn’t make my firecracker mad. Bouncing is making her mad. Swing back and forth. Position her hand so she can suck her fingers. Swing. “PFFFFFFFFFFT.” “OOOOOOOOOOOh.”

Finally, silence. Before I can even set Eleanor down in her crib, Callista has put her own head down and started sucking her thumb. Brother and sister are calm, so she can relax. Lay Eleanor down, pat her butt while she finds her fingers. Step back. Watch. Back away. Watch.

Calm. Silent, except for two little girls sucking away at their fingers/thumb and their iPod, filling the empty space with Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Journey.

“I’m forever yours / Faithfully”

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14 Responses to Move on down the line

  1. Beth Anne says:

    ahh, ye olde dance of motherhood.

  2. Lauren says:

    Whew! I have one baby and I never even thought about the extra “dancing” that must be done with THREE… and the fact that they can wake eachother up! WHEW! You are a supermom :)

  3. Oh, mama. I remember this well with my little one … can’t imagine doing the “dance” for three. :) Go nap!

  4. Krista says:

    Oh, I hope they took good long naps for you after all of that.

    You’re my hero. That’s all I have to say.

  5. Vivian says:

    Did you do all of this with your cape on? Super Woman!

  6. Kayla says:

    Hope you got a nice long nap! I don’t know how you do it. You rock.
    And I think those Rockabye Baby cds are so cool.

  7. Sara says:


  8. As if I wasn’t impressed by your mothering skillz before!!

  9. Ditto Sara! You’re rocking it!

  10. molly says:

    I love it. It’s like you’re a daycare owner and the babies that attend came out of your own uterus! Too bad they don’t write checks. At least they’re super cute 😉

  11. Tameka says:

    Oh man…woo-saaa indeed. Rock on with your bad self Mama! You’ve got it down!

    PS- Ashton Kutcher is in the top left hand corner of your BlogHer border and I thought I was seeing one of those miracle Jesuses. I immediately scheduled an optometry appointment. #random #hashtagsinblogcommentsarethenewblack

  12. Jennie says:

    Crazy moments aren’t they…but seeing them all quiet is so tender. We have Rockabyebaby Eagles version in this house. :)

  13. Mandy says:

    So proud of you 😀 I have the feeling that you are an exquisite dancer.

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