Watch as 3.5-week-old (31.5 weeks corrected gestational age) Eleanor has her isolette bedding changed. She was on minimal support at the time – a high-flow oxygen nasal cannula and an orogastric tube that carried fortified breast milk from a syringe into her esophagus – but you can see what a production it still was […]
I wonder how long it will take for all the preemie-mom vigilance to subside.
To be fair, a lot of my lingering watchfulness isn’t entirely unique to families with premature infants. I see many families with other extensive medical experiences caring about the same things.
But I still wonder. How much time will I need […]
I’ve experienced nothing more helplessly frightening than giving birth to premature infants. I felt like I held my breath from the moment I rolled into the operating room until the moment we drove away from the NICU with three occupied car seats (honestly, I didn’t let go of that breath for a long time […]
With 22 days left until Charlotte, NC, hosts its March for Babies, I finally got the lead out and fired up our team page.
Our team, Peanut Butter Jelly Time (named for PB&J, the nickname Rob gave Toby, Eleanor and Callista the day we first met them on ultrasound), will be participating in our third […]
Today’s our two-year NICU-homecoming anniversary. I didn’t expect anyone but Rob and I to remember it. I now wonder if Toby, Eleanor and Callista remember somehow.
ETC, on their first night home
For two years now, our first big event of the day has […]