I’ve written drafts of this in my head for months now, and nothing sounds right. I’m honestly not sure what “right” is. Here goes nothing.
My babies started kindergarten this week.
Well. It hasn’t truly started because their school starts kindergarten on staggered days – small groups of kids run through a full day with […]
If you’re anything like me (and I know you are), you have squirreled away keepsakes for someday, when you finally find time and/or brilliant ideas.
In reality, most of that stuff will stay in boxes until we die and leave it to the next generation to look […]
Watch as 3.5-week-old (31.5 weeks corrected gestational age) Eleanor has her isolette bedding changed. She was on minimal support at the time – a high-flow oxygen nasal cannula and an orogastric tube that carried fortified breast milk from a syringe into her esophagus – but you can see what a production it still was […]