While giving the babies toddlers lunch one day, Callista sneezed a couple times, so I said, “God bless you!” after each sneeze – something I do with every sneeze. Eleanor suddenly started making these little exhalations, pausing after each to look at me with this precious look of expecting hope. I had no clue what she was doing, so, on a whim, I said, “God bless you?”

The grin that spread across her little face was hilarious. She “sneezed” again and waited for my delivered blessing.

We’ve had fake coughers for some time, either wanting to join in their siblings’ “fun” or just wanting to share the attention, but I had no idea they’d come up with fake sneezes, too.

Eleanor now fake-sneezes when prompted with “Achoo! Oh, God bless you!” or you know, when she’s just feeling bored and in need of a little attention.


5 Responses to Achoo!

  1. Becca says:

    OH!!!! So precious! And I forgot to post on Toby’s laugh, but that totally brightened my day! SO CUTE! <3

  2. Laurie says:


  3. Julie says:

    Seriously, the cutest!!

  4. Holy adorable! That is so cute. :)

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