Two weeks ago, I was admitted to a room in labor & delivery and was told by nurses and doctors that we’d likely meet our triplets in the next 24 hours.

I was 25 weeks, 3 days pregnant.

Call it what you will, but those doctors and nurses were wrong that day. Today, I am 27 weeks, 3 days pregnant.

This blog entry isn’t for me. It isn’t for PB&J. Not yet. They’ll be born before they are full term, but I hope their birth story isn’t one that focuses on how hard they, we and their doctors and nurses are fighting. I hope their birth story is one of nothing but joy and comfort and happiness.

I hope you’ll forgive me, but I can’t write this blog entry about PB&J. My emotions are still too tied up in that day three weeks ago, how far we’ve come and how far we have left to go in this pregnancy. I just can’t write about this while thinking of them and what they may or may not face.

Instead, I write thinking about the countless babies I know of who have been born far too soon. Some have grown into amazing people, and their beginnings as a preemie are just one part of their long past. Some are still fighting in the NICU. Some have lost their heartbreaking battle.

Each one has a different story, a different outcome. All are part of what pushes the March of Dimes to continue research to provide as much help for these little fighters. All are part of what drive the amazing hospitals, doctors and nurses to care for and help fight with these sweet babies and their families.

Today is Prematurity Awareness Day. Visit the March of Dimes and see what you can do to help support the millions of babies who fight to live because they were born too soon.

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18 Responses to Fight for preemies

  1. Becky says:

    Hi. I found your blog on the bloggers unite site. I got goosebumps reading you’ve held on so far. Keep fighting because every day counts!!!!

  2. Beth Anne says:

    Not yet, PB&J. Not yet.

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by DevanAccustomedChaos, Jenny. Jenny said: This blog entry isn't for me. It isn't for PB&J. Not yet. #FightForPreemies #PrematurityAwarenessDay #triplets […]

  4. Lauren says:

    Me and my preemie say thank you!

  5. Liz says:

    I am grateful that P,B, and J have more time. I hope they have all the time they need.

    Thank you for writing. On behalf of my preemie, thank you.

  6. Dorothy says:

    Thank you so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  7. sarah says:

    stay warm in mommy’s belly – little ones!
    I donated for MOD last week at work, always a charity I am willing to support.

    Did you know that NC is the state with the highest number of premies born each year?

  8. Ace1599 says:

    Me and my 24weeker, thank you for this post, your thoughts & prayers, and your strength. Hold on PB&J, hold on!

  9. Susan@2KoP says:

    Good luck to you and PB&J. May you enjoy many more weeks of pregnancy. Every minute counts and making it past the 28-week mark is huge.

    I’m glad you are looking forward and not concentrating on the idea of preemie-hood. That’s what a good mom should do. What a good person does (and you obviously are one) is to take time out, count our blessings and share concern for others. Thank you for taking the time to promote Prematurity Awareness Day. It’s an important mission.

    I want you to think big, happy, healthy thoughts about your babies, but if you readers are interested in learning more, they can follow the story of your 24-weekers (who are celebrating their 19th birthday on this National Prematurity Awareness day) at <a href='My 24-week twins share a birthday with Prematurity Awareness Day — November 17. I felt that was such a unique coincidence, that I created a new website of the journal I kept during their five-month NICU stay. It's called Mike&Ollie: 24-weekers Who Beat the Odds. Let’s hope these stories raise awareness about prematurity and get people motivated to support research and prevention. Glad to have found you through Bloggers Unite: Fight for Preemies.’>Mike&Ollie: 24-weekers Who Beat the Odds.

    My best wishes to you and your “growing” family.

  10. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mike&Ollie, Susan Bearman. Susan Bearman said: Why this mom expecting triplets is blogging about Prematurity Awareness day on What the Blog? #fight4preemies […]

  11. MoDBarb says:

    On behalf of the March of Dimes, thank you so much for blogging today! I’m so glad to hear that you are still holding on with PB&J at 28 weeks…way to go! Your story and your support of other Preemies helps us in this fight against prematurity. We fight for Preemies everywhere…because they should not have to fight. Thank you again for your support…and hang in there! We’ll be thinking of you.

  12. angela says:

    as a mom to a late term preemie (36w), we got incredibly lucky with mature lungs and very small issues compared to others i have heard of and seen. thank you for posting this!

  13. Megan says:

    My preemie Charlie, who was born 17 months ago at 1 lb 6 oz., and I thank you.
    Congrats on still being pregnant. Every day they are in there is so important!

  14. Jada (CarolinaPantherFan) says:

    I thank you for posting this post. Being a Mom of a preemie (26w 6d) was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. I pray for PB&J daily that they can bake a little longer.

  15. Kristin Lena says:

    Bake, babies, bake! Hang in there, momma. Keep beating the odds!
    (My son was a 27-weeker; he’s doing very well today, at 4-months old.)

  16. Jenny says:

    Preemie moms are my heroes!

  17. ERIN says:

    NEW TO YOUR BLOG. just got a retweet from a friend. Thinking about you. Hoping everything is ok! I had one little one at 34 weeks only can imagine what you are going through. Stay strong!

  18. […] writing through naptimes tomorrow, but I will be blogging on behalf of my three premature miracles. Last year, I couldn’t bring myself to think of them as fighting preemies and wrote in support of The […]

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