
We got up bright and squirrely this morning for the first OB appointment for me and PB&J.

The attention that comes with PB&J makes me laugh. At the risk of judgment, I must observe: Everyone loves a freak show.

No, my tiny inside babies ARE NOT freaks. I think I’m the one qualifying for the freak factor here. I mean, there are four hearts beating in my body right now. I’m walking around carrying 16 arms and legs. Four heads. Maybe three penises. FOUR BUTTHOLES.

Wait, do they have those yet?

Anyway, you get the point.

Today’s OB visit was no exception. The receptionist knew me as having triplets the second I said my name. When they called me back to the exam room, nurses lined the halls – all to get a glimpse at the walking, talking freak show.

Everyone so far has been super sweet, so please don’t think I’m complaining. After all, this freak show got a just-for-fun ultrasound today just because the doctor and technician wanted to see the trio live and in action.

Today, all three babies were having a dance party. One baby was even fist pumping the air. I think that one will definitely come out with Rob’s Sicilian looks. GTL, baby. Gee Tee El. There were punches, kicks and even a few somersaults.

The one currently labeled Baby C was most active, then Baby B and finally Baby A. Baby A seemed a bit shy and difficult to get on camera, and it even was more mellow than the other two once the tech got a good few. It still had great movement, but it wasn’t as wild as the others.

There are no gender guesses yet (waaaay too early), but the tech wondered out loud if Babys A and B are the same sex because their sacs are right next door to each other, and everything about them looks about the same size. However, they could just look that similar because Baby C is in a different (further? more near?) position to the picture-taking thingie (technical term). Different perspective and all that jazz.

I shocked the crap out of my doctor when I told her I am not feeling the least bit nauseated. In fact, my most prominent “symptom” is extreme HUNGER. Oh, and that pesky bit about me turning worthless once the clock hits 6:30. Everyone tells me it’ll get better in the second trimester, but I can’t see how that’ll be since the babies are going to get bigger and wreak even more havoc on my body.

We shall see.

Just in case you don’t follow me on Twitter, here’s a quick photo I took of The Belly this morning. The Belly gets bigger and bigger as the day progresses and ends the day fairly ginormous for only being 10 weeks pregnant (times three). I’d show you that, but I look and feel like a worthless pile of poo by the end of the day and am usually laying about in my ratty PJs surrounded by food. HOT.

(I may or may not be sucking in what little I can at this point – I think it’s more of a good posture thing, really, but, you know – full disclosure and all that jazz I learned in journalism school.)

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17 Responses to Second trimester is so close, I can taste it (200/365)

  1. So happy PB &J are doing well! You look great in your photo & happy birthday :)

  2. Gloria K. says:

    The attention is something you’ll get used to. I remember how everyone treated me. The minute they said triplets, I was no longer Gloria. In that moment, I became TripletMom.

    You look amazing for 10 weeks. Happy belated b-day.

    Gloria K (aka, TripletMom2mrj)

  3. Julie says:

    You look great! And so do PB&J!

  4. pam says:

    Lookie at how sweet they are! 😀

    Yeah, the freak show is just beginning….

  5. Suz B says:

    Yall look great! You’re definitely not a freak~just very popular!

  6. Tena says:

    For what it’s worth, they do have buttholes. Those are one of the first things formed when mammals develop. Interesting, no?

  7. Joanna says:

    you look beautiful! yay for dance parties in the ute. I can’t even begin to imagine what it is going to be like when you can start to feel all THREE of them. holy moly!

  8. Jessica says:

    You look awesome, and so does the Tiny Trio.

  9. Alena says:

    I think for most people second tri is greeted with a boost in energy. But those people only have uno baby in ‘da ute mon (<—–um what was that).

    You have three. If you start going to bed at 4 pm until those babies make their world debut…I think we'd all understand.

  10. supa (Mary Beth) says:

    Look at that bump! I love it.

    Second trimester is the only time I got anything done. First and third just consist of me, sitting on the couch, trying not to fall asleep.

  11. Squeeeeee hello baby belly!!!!! I love it. You look fantastic!!!

    My second trimester was MAGIC. My morning sickness went away, my acne stopped and my skin looked amazing and I could actually make it to lunchtime without needing a nap on my desk at work.

  12. Jamie says:

    I hope the 2nd tri is magical for you – it was like someone flipped a switch for me at 13 weeks! Your belly is so cute already, and not for nothing, but it looks a lot like my 23 week belly. 😉 Of course, I didn’t look pregnant till like a month before giving birth.


    I’m so excited things are going so well for *all* of you though, been thinking about you a lot!

  13. Becky says:

    So Happy Birthday Momma!! I didn’t know we were so close in age!! I turned 29 three weeks ago…
    You look wonderful! Yay for three little ones shakin’ it!!

  14. Krista says:

    This gives me even more hope and happiness today! I’m so excited. squee

  15. Elizabeth says:

    You look great! And I think you should seriously consider their initials starting with PB&J!

  16. Sara says:

    The babes look fantastic–and so do you!

  17. Liz says:

    I love love love your baby belly. Go PB&J!

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